When the SEC does its homework, it REALLY does its homework

Its not fun being in the government’s crosshairs.  But there is comfort in knowing that the then Head of Enforcement at the SEC , Linda Thomsen (now of Davis & Polk law firm. I’m guessing her clients are proud !) went to the Nth degree to make sure she knew the smallest details of my case before moving forward !


SEC Internal Email of MC Pictures 2

SEC Internal Email of MC Pictures 4

SEC Internal Email of MC Pictures 3

SEC Internal Email of MC Pictures 5

Internal Email of MC Pictures 5

SEC Internal Email of MC Pictures 1

44 thoughts on “When the SEC does its homework, it REALLY does its homework

  1. mark, inadvertently, you’ve hit on one of the major impediments to capital creation, the SEC itself. As an early stage investor and entrepreneur, this should disturb you greatly.

    Other than the use your blog, have you considered actually doing something about what is a dysfunctional regulatory system? You ought to as there isn’t one trade association or entity in Washington willing to take on this fight.

    I’ll fight with you. I know what its like to be pursued by these guys. I’m still fighting, how about you?

    If you give up now you’ll be remembered as the spoiled billionaire who beat them on them on a technicality and nothing will change. There are billions on the line.

    Comment by colonialdc -

  2. Aren’t you glad it’s over!

    Comment by Andrew Hillman -

  3. I often find myself shaking my head, stupefied, at what passes for coherent thought. I listen to people who weren’t in a courtroom passing judgment on those who WERE. I read incidents like what you went through and wonder, someone actually gave this person a license to practice law? I have to wonder if it’s just that America has become so enamored with mind-numbing “entertainment” and sound bites that we can no longer count on reason; perhaps it just takes too much time and effort. It appears that the SEC, knowing it had no case, hoped to sway the judge, counting on the judge to be impeded as well by numb-mind syndrome. Is there a world in which a picture with money–staged for a magazine interview?–is proof of guilt?

    Comment by Nancy Brown Jones -

  4. I enjoyed reading of your success in standing up to the government (SEC) in protecting your rights. I had similar experience trying to protect my young sons from not having to be raised without their dad. It took 15 years of intense, bare knuckled litigation before I prevailed, but my sons were crippled in the process. Baseless prosecution by the District Attorney escalated from civil issues to criminal charges and forced me into bankruptcy. I had to proceed pro se, acting as my own legal representative even though I had no legal training and was told I could not do what I did. I would not walk away from my sons nor yield to the DA’s threats and coercion. I set precedent in Appellate Court for 2 separate orders entered by 2 different judges at different times.

    Comment by Ken Strother -

  5. I sent an email to gmail account. Now that the government has its tail between its legs, maybe you will have time to read it? The subject is Over 55 Years Teaching!.

    Comment by Patricia Ford -

  6. SEC’s enforcement divisions and personnel go beyond bullying. They engage in fraud. This is not conjecture or conspiracy theory.

    Like to know more? Go to http://www.markfeathers.com

    Comment by Mark Feathers -

  7. This is a joke. People need to watch this guy’s videos and get a real idea for what Cuban’s about. He’s a triple-entendre and there’s no headline or photo that summarizes Cuban. Watch a handful of video interviews with Cuban on Youtube – that’s a decent start to discovering how his brain works. He’s not a suit, he’s a visionary and entrepreneur.

    Comment by Mossab O. Basir (@mossabbasir) -

  8. Good grief. I have to say that I was guilty of thinking you were mostly arrogant. That is why I joined your blog. I wanted to educate myself. After following you for a year, now I think you are brilliant and look forward to reading what you have to share. I hope people do more than look at pictures to consider themselves informed on a person’s character, but it doesn’t look that way in this case.

    Comment by Carrie C. Modrak (@CModrak) -

  9. You go Mark Cuban. Having worked as a paralegal for 35 years, I respect you and glad you stood up to the SEC! Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:01:26 +0000 To: cwright007_@hotmail.com

    Comment by C Wright -

  10. Mark, I met you in 2010 when you helped some of our entrepreneurs via Idea Village (startup accelerator) in New Orleans. You spoke about sleeping on your couch and sacrificing personal relationships to achieve success. Unsuccessful people throw rocks and don’t appreciate the hard work that precedes success. Keep fighting the good fight, and don’t let the bastards get you down.

    Comment by Douglas Ryan (@DouglasRyan) -

  11. capitalism prevails, socialism fails – gettem Mark

    Comment by Patrick Ahler -

  12. looking for some undeniable other SEC fraud? assisted by their own hand-picked receiver, also appointed in fraud through SEC falsely describing him as a licensed CPA? go to http://www.markfeathers.com

    Comment by Mark Feathers -

  13. Obviously a picture of holding money would tend to piss them off. They think you should send it all to the government. BTW is it safe to assume no professional sports team is thinking about moving to France/

    Comment by Michael Genette -

  14. you can hold money however you fucking want!!! you earned it!!

    On Fri, Oct 25, 2013 at 9:01 AM, blog maverick

    Comment by colintwest1 -

  15. It ain’t bragging if you can back it up. Team Cuban.

    Comment by Gianna (@GiannaMiceli) -

  16. Their case was a picture of Mark with money?? And the senior litigator thought it was valuable?
    Let this be a lesson — Never hire Davis Polk for anything — their litigators are idiots

    Comment by DAugustine (@STAugustine0) -

  17. Entrepreneurs are often misunderstood and underestimated… but NEVER ignored!

    Remember… be a servant,

    Cory Boatright

    Comment by Cory Boatright -

  18. This is awesome Mark. You truly do have brass balls! BTW, you should find time to come to the Aspen Live Conference this year. Music peeps love hearing from you.
    Dates are Dec. 12-15.

    Comment by jimlewi -

  19. LOL Glad they at least got it right in the end. By the way, this text contains a hidden message about some futures I am holding.

    Comment by dan himes (@d_himes) -

  20. Describing our government as a “mess” is not even close. Travesty suits it better.

    Comment by Katheryn Labosky -

  21. It appears the SEC was a bit jealous – Any cools pics of you when you were 12 back in Pittsburgh. 😉

    Comment by Steve Mahoney (@SteveMahoney_) -

  22. Congrats on the outcome Mark. Funny how someone sees another with money, and they automatically assume they got it through underhanded means. You always preach hard work, Mark. Most will never understand what it takes to be an entrepreneur.

    Comment by Billy Ross -

  23. being harriest by the government is never a good thing! however being a billionaire is just so wrong! Where is the humanity !!! Mark I would bet there is not a mirror big enough to fit your ego into ! I hope some day when you grow up you see how silly you look! If you really want to impress me start a homeless program nation wide, since your so brilliant and rich do your really need any more money, Now is the time to give back Since you love to see your self on tv you could start a reality show and you could travel around the country and start homeless programs and you could donate it all, what a write off !!! In stead of being some greedy rich low life, people who are worthy of respect will actually think your not a rich greedy low life!!! Just think of the possibilitys

    Comment by Eric Archuleta -

  24. Mr. Cuban,
    Is there any way that I might be able to forward an email/letter request to you, regarding a start-up? Thanks for considering. – LD (lmunoz@student.uchc.edu)

    Comment by Luis Daniel Muñoz Jr (@Luis_D_Munoz_Jr) -

  25. Same bunch of geniuses that investigated Madoff and never found anything.

    Comment by Charles Frank -

  26. Are the printers at the SEC really that bad? And, seriously, there are a lot better pictures of you being obnoxious in a simple search of your name on Google.

    Comment by Mike Graham (@mikegraham8) -

  27. This is magic. I hope you were able to make this an exhibit during the trial. How were you even able to get a hold of this?

    Comment by D.J. Garner -

  28. You go Marc!!
    I love your drive & passion, I’m the same kind of fighter, without people like us everyone would get walked all over! Keep up the paybacks Marc they deserve everything they’re getting!

    Comment by Billie Carrico -

  29. Wow, this is eye opening. Pretty evil actually.

    Comment by Brandon Carroll (@BrandonJCarroll) -

  30. That is not real……..

    Oh my god.

    Best regards, Brandon*

    Brandon Carroll* (t) 540.200.9508

    “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you do, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou

    Comment by Brandon Carroll -

  31. Surprised they didn’t call a NBA ref to do charater assination?

    Comment by Herb Lair (@herblair) -

  32. @imacword, this is not taunting it’s a joke (available to absolutely anyone that can read, write or type). They are a joke. They will change because they are beginning to realize their worthlessness. Unless your in an executory position, the idea of insider trading is laughable. If i got a tip from the owner at John Allen’s salon that the women were being replaced with men, would I keep my membership? NO. If you get a tip from a public company that they are going in a different direction (than what you signed up for) and there’s nothing you can do about it, would I sell? YES. Why is that not my right? Is it because I’m a billionaire? Because I’m a market mover? Why should their be protection for people who don’t do their research?

    Comment by Adam Frenkel -

  33. Thomas@11:12am has it correct. Voting is chiefly an act of suicide. Why vote for ANYONE to have dominion over you? Unless that person has it as their SOLE mission in life to dismantle Leviathan, then they are just looking to chain you to the wall by the left hand instead of the right. So far only Ron Paul has fit this description. The rest, including Rand, are just posers. I am rooting for collapse and jubilee.

    Comment by Graham Dugas -

  34. How many times do I have to ask to be taken off this list?

    Michael E. Douroux

    Comment by Michael E. Douroux -

  35. It’s Strange that Washington LOOKS the same, but its odor has become nauseating to the extreme. I do love (some) women, but since I learned the word ‘misogynist‎’ a few years ago, I find myself selectively applying it in the D.C. area.

    Comment by Brian Maday (@brian_tampa) -

  36. Don’t worry, Mark. They are just jealous 🙂

    Comment by Morganne Lefay -

  37. I am glad you won this case but I’m curious why you consider taunting the sec to be worthwhile? do you think they will change or just focus more on going after you?

    Comment by imacword -

  38. That’s brilliant! Congrats on beating the Feds, Mark.

    Comment by Michael Hackmer -

  39. Never eat at a restaurant where the Chef does not eat their own cooking… Keep re-electing a government to impartially investigate American Citizens when they don’t follow their own rules.
    We keep re-electing based on team uniforms.

    Comment by Thomas Steplyk (@steplyk) -

  40. “The picture with the money is particularly helpful……” That was their case a picture of you holding money? Our government is a mess, I understand the SEC and the rules, but this looked like an expedition of sorts…..

    Comment by Jeff Myers -

  41. LOL. Well don’t you feel special now?

    Comment by progressivethoughts -

  42. Wow. So classy.

    Comment by Jerry Stevens -

  43. Seriously the best pictures they could find?

    Comment by Derek Dahl -

  44. guess she does not like success. sorry you had to go thru that bullshit — I will keep the money pic on my desktop for motivation!

    Comment by Dennis Baughman -

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