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Could this ever happen in response to Katrina?

Is it even remotely possible that once we returned home from volunteering, helping, donating and doing the things that we as Americans do well, that we could possibly direct just a fraction of that energy towards calling, writing and emailing our Congressperson and Senator and ask that monies that had been directed towards projects that no longer seem as important be redirected to financing the funding that our President has earmarked for relief?

Projects that have been called into question by various media outlets supporting Rap Songs or Highway Bill projects that were described as β€œEgregious and remarkable,” by Sen. John McCain, refering to the estimated $24 billion in the bill set aside for highways, bus stops, parking lots and bike trails.

Maybe Sen. McCain and other politicians can use their podiums to ask for states and municipalities to redirect some of the money to be received for what are now, relatively less important projects, when compared to the unexpected financial needs created by Hurricane Katrina devastation, towards relief projects.

It may be projects to support evacuees who have relocated to their states or cities, orto help the Gulf Coast areas impacted

Sometimes it makes sense to re-evaluate where the dollars are going when circumstances change. If ever there is a time, this is it.

It’s just a thought I throw out there for discussion.

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