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Memes – Doing the Wave in the Blogosphere

I got tagged with a meme a few weeks ago and I refused to do it.

If you have no idea what Im talking about, you are lucky. Memes can be defined in a lot of different ways depending on the context of their usage. In this case, a meme is a set of questions that are passed from person to person. You fill out the questions. Post them on your blog. Then you tag another blogger who is supposed to do the same thing. Its supposed to be “viral fun” . Yes, bloggers are that hard up for fun.

It has the same intellectual resonance as doing The Wave at an event. You are embarrased if you do it sober, beligerant to non wavers if you do it drunk.

Memes come in all shapes in sizes. The 4 Things meme is what is getting waved around now.

If you are tagged, you are asked 4 Things

– 4 Jobs I have had,4 Movies I can watch over and over, 4 TV shows I watch, 4 places i have been on vacation

Can we all just disagree that this is pretty damn stupid ?

If you want to fillup a page on myspace or tagworld, meme away. But my goodness, real bloggers are answering memes.RSS feeds around the world are getting headlines with dumbass meme responses. Is this because of Bloggers Cramp ?

I dont know. The wave’s best days are behind it. We need to put questionmemeson the bench right next to it

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