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The Mavs Can’t ?

The Mavs CAN’T play Defense.
The Mavs CAN’T play a half court game.
The Mavs CAN’T get past the first round
The Mavs CAN’T beat <fill in a team here > because <fill in an excuse here>
Dirk CAN’T play against smaller defenders
Dirk CAN’T take the ball to the basket
Dirk CAN’T play defense
Dirk CAN’T step up in the playoffs
Stack CAN’T play a team game
JET CAN’T be the point guard on a Finals team
Devin Harris CAN’T get past last years playoffs to have an impact
Gana Diop CAN’T be a player in this league
Avery Johnson CAN’T lead this team to the Finals as a 1st year coach

Thank you. Thank you to everyone who has ever said or written about what they think the Mavs cant do. It was motivation that Avery called on early and often.

There is an old saying, Those who can, do. Those who can’t, are usually commentators telling as many people as will read, watch or listen why they think someone else who is actually trying to accomplish something, can’t.

No where is this more true than the sportsworld.

Hats off to the Suns for getting further than anyone ever expected.
Hats off to the Suns and the city of Phoenix for being great hosts.

A huge thank you to Mavs fans around the world. We thank you for wearing your lucky cowboy boots, lucky underwear, lucky hats, tshirts, shorts and pants, for wearing your Mavs gear under your clothes to work and with pride to school and around town.

A huge thank you to Mavs fans who were jumping up and down, screaming, hugging everyone you could find and generally going crazy as the clock ran down last night. We heard you. We felt you. All of us on the sidelines felt the exact same way.

My heart was pounding so hard, I was almost afraid to move. I have all these little good luck idiosyncrazies (my new word), and i refused to not do them until the clock ran out. I kept on playing mind games with myself. You know… McGrady scored 13 against the Spurs in 33 seconds. Dont relax. Then the ever popular…If we hit this shot, its over… Ok, maybe not. If we get this stop, its over.. Ok maybe not..

When we hit 00:00, I walked over to where the Suns owners were to thank and congratulate them, and to also make sure I had my legs underneath me. After that, I was never so happy to hug so many sweaty grown men in my entire life.

The guys who heard cant, but never believed it.

Four more wins to go.

The Heat is a great team. Shaq alone has more finals experience than our entire roster. Riley has probably coached more playoffs games than AJ has games. It wont matter. Its going to be a war. Probably no less thrilling and down to the wire as almost every other NBA playoffs series has been.

We may be the underdogs, but we believe and we dont understand the word can’t

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