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Tim Duncan, Joe Crawford and the NBA

Iim not going to comment on what happened during our Spurs game Sunday. My feelings about the subject havent changed and its not worth the money to comment on it here. In fact, I’ve given up writing in this blog about the NBA because my number one rule of blogging is that if you cant offer an honest opinion, say nothing.

What I do want to say to all NBA fans is that if you are not a Mavs fan STOP EMAILING ME ABOUT THE OFFICIATING.

Email the owner of your own team. Email the commissioner of the NBA, email anybody else. Do not email me.

Everytime something questionable happens in an NBA game, my inbox gets slammed with “If you really care about the officiating you would say something”, or “this is why I cant watch the NBA anymore” emails or “I’m a season ticket holder for X years and Im considering cancelling because…”. Im tired of getting and reading emails that by now easily number more than 25k over the years that the management of the team you root for, or the NBA won’t take.

If you were to send all those emails to your owner or GM, maybe they would be concerned with things other than where I stand on the court .

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