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Hosted Internet VIdeo – More censored than any platform ?

I was going to write a post about how similar the porn industry is to that of web video. The commonalities are striking. Find a hot girl with hopefully a big personality and put her as the focus of the show. Find the least expensive video equipment you can and using low cost production methods, quickly release as many videos as possible. Every now and then a hit pops out, but the key is volume. In the porn biz, its pay per view/subscription, for the internet video business its free with ads or maybe some money from Itunes. Not so different, are they ?

But thats not for this post. It occurred to me that its possible to find porn. Its possible to find PG 13 type videos,but its really difficult to find R rated videos. Sure there are Playboy or Mr SKin type sites that will titillate us, and there are the sites where college kids go wild, but thats not what Im referring to. Where are the internet videos that cover grown up subject matters, where nudity “that contributes to the subject matter” isn’t considered gratuitous or pornographic ?

You cant post that kind of material on Youtube , Myspace, Yahoo or AOL Video. So where will user generated content geared towards a more “mature” audience go ? Dailymotion ? Or does internet hosted video never get past PG – 13 ? Has internet hosted video evolved into the most censored medium of our generation ? If you really want to go beyond PG 13, do you have to host it yourself on your own website ?

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