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This is a great blog post !

My buddy and supergeek Rahul Sood, is the President and CTO of VodooPC. A high end PC company that sells great products to the gamer and ultra performance PC market.

I love his most recent blogpost because it is everything right about corporate blogging, its honest, timely and interesting.

I also love it because it shows just how involved and passionate great executives are. I’ve known Michael Dell for a long time and when we exchange emails, its not unusual for either of us to respond in the middle of the night. Its not unusual for middle of the night emails to get immediate responses.

It doesnt matter that he has been doing this for 20 plus years. Its in his blood.

I loved the exchange between Rahul and Michael because I can relate to it. When you eat, sleep, dream about, and live an industry and you can engage someone else who approaches the industry the same way, the conversations are amazing. You dont have to agree on things, but when both people know their stuff, everyone walks away from the exchange a lot smarter and incredibly motivated.

Motivated because it was a reminder of what you always know to be true in the technology business. There is always someone out there trying to do smart things and kick your ass and its your job to figure out how to do a better job.

If that doesn’t motivate you, then none of this probably makes sense to you.

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