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Trump the Chump

Every couple weeks I get emails from people asking me if I heard what Donald Trump said about me on some radio or TV show. From Howard Stern to Donnie Deutch to just this week while promoting The Apprentice. I have to be honest, I LOVE IT when he rips me. Its been 3 seasons since The Benefactor tanked, but Donald still couldn’t find something else to rip on. It always gives me a good chuckle knowing that he thinks of me so often.

I guess all good things must end as Donald turns his attention to Rosie O’Donnell. Rosie of course ripped on Trump the Chump (T the C) on the ABC show The View. T the C ripped back just as hard, but this isnt about what is being played out on TV. This is about the role of blogs in all of this and how it really shows who understands new media vs old media.

Rosie gets it. Rosie has a blog, and she is using it in her battle with T the C. Its actually pretty good. She uses it to say whats on her mind, is honest, timely and in the current post she pulls from the Trump Wikipedia entry to clarify and support her assertions that he filed bankruptcy.

She has a great url,, other bloggers link to her and using Alexa as a traffic reference (not a perfect source, but its easy), her traffic is good. In fact, her blog was so busy, she couldnt keep up with the traffic, but she was still smart enough to put up a simple HTML page that had her latest post.

Good job Rosie !

Now T the C on the other hand, well Donald, your blog sucks. Its actually pretty embarrasing. First of all, rule number one of blogging Donald is that you are the one that is supposed to write the posts on the blog. Less than half the posts on the front page of the blog have your name as the author let alone are written by you . Blogs are supposed to be personal, not corporate Donald.

Next are the ads you have on the site. Nothing wrong with ads. We all know that you need the money, but your blog is on the website of Trump University. What University has ads on their website for a 20pct discount on How to Get Rich books and schemes ? Speaking of Trump University, has anyone out there seen a resume with Graduated from Trump University on it ? I wonder how many people of your Trump University graduates work for you Donald ? After all, Trump is the brand that you want to be associated with the best, right ? Is Trump University the Harvard of…..oops, I just read the FAQs. TU doesn’t offer credits or degrees. Its merely a way to pitch your How to Get Rich books and online courses. But you still hire Trumpers and Trumpettes who buy the stuff right ?

Way to protect the brand Donald. Was this the same thinking behind Trump the Board Game and Trump Water or the first Trump Magazine ?

Now back to your blog. Does it really help you sell Trump University ? Well according to Alexa, no one even knows about it Donald. The entire Trump University is about the 23,000 most visited site on the net. Not terrible. But of all those aspiring Trumps that visit the site, only 24pct of them even go to your blog. Can’t say i blame them. But those are your good numbers Donald. And you are a numbers guy Donald aren’t you ?. Ratings, ratings, ratings, right ?

No one in the blogosphere seems to know or care about your blog Donald. Links to your site are rare at best Donald. Rosie on the other hand is just kicking your ass. People read and reference her blog. Yours is Dirt. Flies don’t read your blog Donald.

Oh by the way Donald, this blog is one of, if not the most widely read personal blog on the net.

Here is my advice T the C. Move your blog to a unique URL. Write something personal. Explain to us why you don’t like to shake hands. Explain to us why you think Rosie is fat, but you aren’t. Explain to us the virtues of Trump Ice water. Why we should subscribe to the new Trump Magazine. Why we should buy Trump suits. Why we should buy Trump The Fragrance. Or better yet, you could explain why in the world you would put your name on some of these things.

Donald, let me just tell you that its a whole lot easier to say whats on your mind on YOUR blog than have to freak out and call every talk show in America ranting about Rosie. That is if your time is valuable.

Its obvious you dont understand new media Donald. Its obvious in your show. Its obvious in how you integrate the net into your businesses. Its blatant with your excuse of a blog.

And by the way, when someone prints this out and you read it, if they tell you to create a myspace or facebook or a page …. please do. We all need the comic relief.

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